SRC PWr on IAC2023 in Baku

SRC PWr on IAC2023 in Baku

The IAC 2023 International Astronautical Congress in Baku has come to an end. It was five very interesting and intense days, filled with interesting lectures, interactive presentations and an exhibition. We would like to thank the Polish Space Agency POLSA for...
POLSA’s lunar consultations

POLSA’s lunar consultations

On May 9, the so-called lunar consultations ended, in which representatives of CBK WEFiM actively participated. The purpose of the consultations conducted by the Polish Space Agency was to define the general conditions and objectives of the mission to the Moon. It was...
Kijek in space

Kijek in space

On January 20, 2023, TVN broadcast another episode of the series “Kijek w kosmosie”. Editor Hubert Kijek drew attention to the initiative of the Polish mission to Mars, led by prof. Jan Dziuban from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The...
Space Tech Expo EUROPE 2022

Space Tech Expo EUROPE 2022

Space Tech Expo Europe (Bremen, Germany) is a cyclical event in the space industry, which we could not miss. On November 14-16, 2022, representatives of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology presented instruments developed for space applications. The PWr...
IAC 2022

IAC 2022

Scientists from SRC FEPM have been actively participating in the largest and most prestigious conference in the astronautics branch – the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – for years. As part of the 73rd Astronautical Congress (IAC 2022, Paris),...