We in the media

Video materials

1. Serial PWr, „A jeśli Ziemia to za mało?” Odcinek dostępny pod linkiem:


episode 6

Prof. Dziuban talked about the need for miniaturization of analytical devices and a new approach to designing space missions as part of the award-winning PWr series “Science to the Power of”.

2. Interview with prof. dr hab. Jan Dziuban from Wrocław University of Science and Technology at LO STRZELIN


In an interview conducted as part of the Lower Silesian Science Festival, Prof. Dziuban explains how the use of MEMS/MOEMS microsystems and lab-on-chip devices can help in space research conducted both on the ISS and in further space, including a mission to Mars.

3. Kijek w kosmosie, „Polska misja marsjańska. Stajemy się wtedy siódmą potęgą kosmiczną”, dla telewizji TVN, redaktor Hubert Kijek, odcinek dostępny w serii ‘Kijek w kosmosie’ (wymagana subskrypcja):


4. Misja Księżyc, Wywiad na żywo w TVP Nauka, 22 lipca 2023. Krótki opis programu dostępny na stronie:


recording available at the link:


Prof. Paweł Knapkiewicz, Prof. Hanna Rotkiel and the President of POLSA Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna talk about the course of the first mission to the Moon with human participation and indicate further paths of development, especially for Polish science and space industry, in order to prepare the Polish mission to the silver globe.

5. LabSat, echo24, TV material


In an interview for Echo24 TV, Prof. Jan Dziuban, Dr. Eng. Patrycja Śniadek and Prof. Julita Kulbacka talk about the first European biomedical nanosatellite mission – LabSat – which involves research on the impact of microgravity on the development of cancer cells using miniature lab-on-chip devices.

6. Facts, Jan Dziuban, Agnieszka Krakos, TV material


Prof. Dziuban and Dr. Eng. Agnieszka Krakos show how miniaturization of analytical devices can help in research conducted in space, both of a biological nature (cell development) and chemical nature (analysis of the composition of the atmosphere of celestial bodies).

II Radio interviews:

Radio interview on the preparation of the first European nanosatellite mission LabSat – research on the impact of microgravity on the development of biological objects using lab-on-chip devices:

Science to the Power – #003 prof. Jan Dziuban, Radio LUZ2022-07-15


III Press materials:

Press materials regarding the preparation of the first European nanosatellite mission LabSat concerning the study of the influence of microgravity on the development of biological objects using miniature MEMS and LOC devices:

1.LabSat, monitorrynkowy, press article


2. Evertiq/pl, press release: Nanosatellite – a laboratory being built in Wrocław


3. Science in Poland, press material: Polish Consortium Develops Nanosatellite for Studying Microorganisms and Cells in Space,


Press material regarding the establishment of a scientific consortium associating technical universities, scientific institutions and representatives of industry, the aim of which is to carry out the first Polish mission to Mars:

4. Science in Poland, press material: Consortium to Send Polish Scientific Mission to Mars Established, https://scienceinpoland.pap.pl/node/78970

Press material concerning the spectrometer developed at the CBK WEFiM PWr centre, which enables research into the atmosphere of outer space.

5. Fakt, materiał prasowy, „Pozwoli poznać kosmos, a wygląda jak… pilot do TV!



